Genealogy Resources
The following is a curated list of eResources the District subscribes to and websites we use for information. When accessing eResources we subscribe to from outside of our Branches, you will be prompted to enter your library card number to obtain access.
The White Oak Library District is pleased to offer the special Library edition of, the gold standard of genealogy databases. However, there is no "one stop shopping" for people seeking their family history. Below is a list of resources compiled by the Library that you may find helpful in your genealogy work. Some of them require you sign in with a Library card number, a good card to have no matter what you are researching! Good luck on your quest to discover your heritage.
This site is limited with the amount of primary sources available, but you can contact the National Archives to schedule a research appointment or to request primary sources you need for your genealogy research. NARA has an office in Chicago. The address is 7358 South Pulaski Rd. Phone number is (773) 948-9000.